Shared Dreams
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Imagine, Visualize & Create! “The time is always right to do what is right.” MLK
Weekly Dream: Down/Up
Down/Up: If we let go and fall down, we will bounce up to a higher height. The key is letting go, dear dreamer.
Weekly Dream: Petals
Petals. It’s time to gather up our petals we left behind & become the whole rose we truly are. It’s time to return others’ petals we took.
Weekly Dream: Vacation
Vacation. We vacate our real world and vacation to a dream world. Let’s imagine we are on vacation right now, dear dreamer.
Weekly Dream: Labor
Labor. Why do we call it labor? Let’s visualize a society where no one labors and where creating our wants and needs is fun, dear dreamer.
Weekly Dream: Abundance
Abundance. We yearn for abundant money and time. Yet feelings of love, peace and joy take no money or time. What is your priority, dreamer?
Weekly Dream: Cycles
Cycles. We have many cycles: birth/death; day/night; peace/war. Are cycles necessary, and if so, which ones do we want to keep, dreamer?
Weekly Dream: Ignorance
Ignorance is not bliss. The more we know, the more blissful we can be. To know how to feel peace, love and joy in the middle of chaos.
Weekly Dream: Crack
Crack. A small crack in the door lets in a lot of light. We can crack open our doors too, dear dreamer.
Perfect What We Want
“Perfect what we want.” I heard this as I was waking up. Does this shine new light on the old saying, “Practice makes perfect”, dreamer?
Weekly Dream: Funeral
Funeral. Leaving my friend’s funeral I heard him say: “I’m out but you’re in. Enjoy every minute. Be in awe no matter the chaos or the order.”