Listen anytime, with unlimited access, to all six recordings of our six part DISCOVER TRUTHwebinar. Click the Buy Now below for $88 and we will email you all six recordings now!
–Did you take the red pill or the blue pill? If you took the red pill, you are ready for the DISCOVER TRUTH WEBINAR. Come follow me down the rabbit hole and on the yellow brick road and discover where home really is. I assure you, life won’t be the same after this webinar. Your computer brain and loving heart will come together to discover truth and send you home to the paradise that has always been here.
–Lots of movie clips, music videos, pictures and clips from documentaries will keep your brain active and your heart pumping. Recordings of live Q & A in each of the six parts will stimulate and provoke further discoveries.
–Six parts of 1.5 hours each -Part 1: Who are we? -Part 2: Where are we? -Part 3: Why did we create “here” and what is our purpose for being here? -Part 4:When do we fulfill our purpose and how? -Part 5:What alchemy treasures in our treasure box can we use to discover truth, fulfill our purpose and get us home? -Part 6: Topic continued from 5th part with Q & A related to all six parts.