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Sit back, relax and take your time reading this. And if you are willing and ready to go on a journey to the depths of your imagination, then let it take you to a place you haven’t explored in a very long time.
Imagine that anything is possible. If that does not suit you, then imagine this journey is a fantasy. Whatever modality you wish to invoke, let your imagination run wild.
Try imagining what your purpose in life is. Take a minute or 2 imagining your life’s purpose before reading the next sentence.
Now toss out that notion of whatever you think your life purpose is—just for now, while we have fun imagining.
Imagine you are not meant to suffer–EVER. Imagine you are not here on Earth to learn lessons. Imagine you are here only to enjoy bliss, harmony, happiness, joy and unconditional love.
Imagine there is a snowball. The snowball is all KNOWING and WISE. The snowball is all that is, all that was and all that ever will be.
Imagine—now this is very important—YOU ARE the snowball.
Imagine, you as the snowball, wanted to create individual expressions of yourself –of your sameness. You did this by allowing snowflakes to be plucked from you.
Ask yourself: On a wintery day when you are playing in the snow, what happens when you put snowflakes into a snowball? Can you see the snowflakes as individuals anymore? No. Because a snowflake BECOMES the snowball. The snowflake always was the snowball—it just wanted to experience an individual expression as a snowflake.
Imagine you have a soul family.
Imagine you and your soul family reside within the same energy field of a snowflake.
Imagine that almost all of your soul family members are in the subtle realms—they are angels, archangels, ancestors and your loved ones.
Imagine that one aspect residing within the snowflake is the physical human being you identify with as yourself. This aspect has the hair, eye and skin color and all the other physical attributes that you see in the mirror each day. But –YOU—are the snowflake AND the snowball—not just this human vehicle. Remember?
If you remember, then you will begin the journey of tapping into the infinite knowledge and wisdom of the snowball. Once you remember….. the umbilical cord between you and the snowball will become bigger and stronger. And it grows in size and strength as you remember more and more.
Are you with me? If so, let’s go deeper into the journey of your imagination.
Imagine life in this 3rd Dimension on Earth, this physical density, is a computer program of the Game of Life. And imagine that you, as the snowball, created the Game of Life in all of its perfection.
What a wonderful creation this Game of Life is! In our physical body, we can enjoy the many beautiful gifts our Earth offers us such as the sound of the ocean, the majestic flow of a waterfall and the smell of a lush forest. We are blessed with the miracle of tasting wonderful and delicious foods, feeling the softness of a baby’s skin, smelling the aromatic fragrance of a pink rose and entering the sublime of physical lovemaking between two loving beings.
Imagine that for eons, the computer program of the Game of Life worked perfectly. We in the physical, as individual expressions of the snowball, enjoyed life on this Earth in a utopian reality—a Garden of Eden. We had so much fun dancing in perfection—in a world where youth, health, vibrancy, beauty, abundance, freedom and pure joy were all we knew. We basked in the divine under the umbrella of unconditional love. How did we do this? The answer is simple: We remembered the Key. And we remembered how to use the Key.
What is the Key? How do we use the Key? Well, let’s not jump ahead of ourselves. All will be answered in due time. Let’s get back to our story.
Then, one day, in all our glory, we fell into a mis-creation. We fell into a BUG in the computer program of the Game of Life. No longer was it the utopian world we intended. No longer did we remember who we are.
Imagine that most of the computer program of the Game of Life is still utopia. Imagine that most of our soul family, living in the subtle realities, still remember and still enjoy the utopian Game of Life. But there is one aspect of the Game of Life, albeit very small, that has a bug in it. This bug is a dark gooey bug that has a shell around it made of a dark—hard as steel—armor.
Now, you might ask: No one wants a bug in their computer program, do they? Well…certainly not! So, as a result, we have been working with our soul family for eons to get the bug out!!
Imagine we now have 7 billion bugs in the computer program and that all 7 billion of us on this planet are trapped in a bug!
Now imagine that all 7 billion of us signed up, and were chosen, to incarnate into a bug!
Imagine we agreed and were chosen eons ago! And not just for this lifetime, but for many lifetimes! We agreed to trap our soul in the computer bug when humanity fell. When we realized that the bug’s mis-creation was inevitable, those souls that were deemed the most courageous and filled with enough light to get the job done, volunteered to put their soul into the bug. All 7 billion of us were chosen and agreed to work to debug the program. Because as hard as our soul family is working at the Keyboard of the computer program sending us light and sending us memories, they cannot debug the program. The only way to debug the program is to do it from inside the bug! From the inside out!! So, somebody had to volunteer to do the inside job—and that somebody is US!!
Now, along the way, we figured out that only a small percentage of the 7 billion on the planet is necessary to debug the program. Whooh! For a minute there I am sure you were thinking that it would be impossible to deprogram the bug if it took all 7 billion of us to remember what we are supposed to do!
But let’s get back to the notion that nothing is impossible. But that everything is possible.
So, imagine that we as individual snowflakes, as individual expressions of the snowball, start waking up and remembering who we really are. The more of us that wake up, the more knowledge and wisdom we collectively and individually remember. Imagine that!
So, as we wake up, we remember that we are here to get the bug out of the system. But how do we do that???
It is simple. Aren’t all great ideas simple?
There is in fact a Key we all have access to. Thank goodness our soul family members are at the Keyboard of the computer working hard to help us crack the code—crack the armor of the bug—so we will remember how to access the Key and emerge from the bug. They get thrilled when cracks open up in the bug’s armor and they can transmit memories and Light to us.
When we are able to download these memories, we will remember what the Key is and how to use it.
What is the Key—give it to me!!!
Well, here it is and it is yours for the taking.
The Key is pure Light & unconditional Love. The Key is to remember we are the snowball and we are pure Light & unconditional Love.
The Key is to remember this at the exact TIME the bug shoots an arrow at us. This is when it gets a bit complex.
I know, I know. I said it was simple. It is. But because we still have a lot of amnesia, we perceive it as complex. So……first, we must remember the Key. Then we must remember how to use it.
Remember now.….we are inside the bug. The bug is not us. The bug tries to keep us trapped in the bug. It does not want us to remember who we are –because if we do, we can begin to free ourselves from the bug and the bug will no longer exist. The bug does not want to go away—this is the nature of a computer bug—it has great tenacity and perseverance. It has great ability to tempt us to stay in the bug.
Now imagine that the Bug tempts us with Power & Wealth and makes us BELIEVE that Power & Wealth is our life purpose. But also imagine we suffer greatly inside the bug.
We suffer because the bug constantly shoots arrows at us to wear us down, to depower us and keep us in our state of amnesia—arrows of frustration, greed, anger, illness, mortality, death, anguish, war, hatred and on and on.
Why, might you ask, would anyone in their right mind stay in the bug that keeps shooting dark arrows at us? Because we lost the Key. We lost the Key when we fell into the bug and into total amnesia. We perceived ourselves as completely separate from the snowball and all the other snowflakes. We fell into survival mode—we forgot how to thrive. We thought the only way to survive was to gain Power & Wealth. The bug we fell into was so thick, we couldn’t see anything beyond it. In fact, at first, we didn’t even perceive anything like a snowball might even exist!! Once we started remembering the snowball, we still saw it as separate from us.
Now the Key has been found. Take the Key and use it every time the bug shoots an arrow at you. These arrows are GIFTS. They are the opportunities we signed up for. They are the opportunities that allow us to transmute the dark goo into light.
Remember that you are pure unconditional love and that you are not the bug with its huge arsenal and vast amount of arrows. If you remember the Key, you can use the Key and debug the bug.
Here’s an easy way to use the Key:
Use the Key to open up your Heart.
Grab the arrow.
Love the arrow.
Breathe the arrow into your Heart.
Exhale the arrow through your Crown at the top of your head.
You have now transmuted the dark arrow into beautiful gold and white Light! Try it, it works!!
The more you use your Key, the more you dismantle the bug you are entrapped in. The more you use your Key, the more layers of goo you transmute into gold and white sparkly light. The more you use your Key, the closer you get to the hard armor. And eventually, you will be able to spin off piece by piece of the dark hard armor. Once enough of the bug is gone, you will be able to emerge from the bug like the beautiful butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. You will dance once again in the utopia of Earth you created.
Do you remember what you believed your life purpose was when you took a moment to think about it earlier?
Do you now know what your life purpose is? Your life purpose is to remember the Key… AND… how to use the Key! Your life purpose is to remember always—every moment of the NOW—who you are. To remember you are an individual snowflake of the snowball—pure Light & unconditional Love. To remember the snowball connects us all in the same energy. And that you, the snowball, KNOW all that is, all that was and all that ever will be.
To remember your purpose of life is, SIMPLY, to TRANSMUTE THE BUG INTO LIGHT.
Imagine that!
Succinct answers to what the Key is and how to use the Key in the Game of Life:
What is the Key? The Key is pure Light & unconditional Love. The Key is to remember that we are the snowflake of the same snowball of all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. To remember we are pure Light and unconditional Love.
How do we use the Key? We simply take the Key and open up our Heart. We must remember that the bug’s arrows are gifts that give us the opportunity to use the Key. We must remember that we created the bug and all its arrows. That we own the mis-creation. If we breathe IT in—the mis-creation or arrow—into our OPENED heart and LOVE it, without judgment and without engaging or reacting to the arrow, then we can breathe it out through our crown and transmute the arrow into Light. Upon doing this, some of the bug disappears and more Light can come in and surround us. The more we do this, the closer we come to emerging from the bug. When we finally free ourselves, we will be back in utopia, automatically treating others as we wish to be treated, with unconditional love.